Resolving tax debt can seem like an intimidating journey, but you’re not alone. In this post, we’re delving into the next two steps that will empower you to harness the resources of the Tax Resolution Help Center and take charge of your financial situation.

Step #9: Navigating the Tax Resolution Help Center

With the groundwork laid by the first eight steps, you’re now poised to venture into the world of tax resolution with confidence. Here’s how the Tax Resolution Help Center can guide you:

Engage with Weekly Sessions: Commit to attending at least one class or session each week. These informative gatherings delve into various aspects of tax resolution, helping you build a strong foundation.

Embrace Podcasts and Videos: Set aside time for two podcasts or video content sessions each month. Our team of experts covers a wide range of subjects, offering insights that can significantly influence your approach.

Dive into Introductory Sessions: Participate in introductory sessions on tax resolution. Let these sessions be just the beginning of your journey, as each one adds to your knowledge and understanding.

Explore Relevant Articles: While reading might not be your favorite activity, consider exploring some articles or posts that resonate with you. Our experts’ unique styles can transform complex topics into engaging reads.

Step #10: Making the Final Decision

With the first nine steps behind you, it’s time for a pivotal decision. Will you take on the resolution process independently, or seek expert guidance?

Self-Resolution: Armed with the insights gained from our resources, determine the best approach for your unique situation. Is an offer in compromise the solution? Perhaps a currently not collectible status? A structured payment plan? Amending your returns to recapture overpaid taxes? Exploring a penalty abatement? Or even a combination of these strategies?

Expert Assistance: If you find the process overwhelming, you don’t need to navigate it alone. Reach out to the tax experts you’ve encountered through our sessions. We offer two additional methods: Do-It-Together (DIT) for personalized coaching, or Do-It-All (DIA) for a hands-on expert approach.

By following these steps, you’re embarking on a journey to regain control of your financial future. Keep an eye out for more informative posts, where we’ll continue guiding you through the intricate world of tax resolution. Remember, you hold the power to shape your financial destiny.


Kelly Coughlin, CPA

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